My name is Abby, and I’ve been traveling and/or living abroad for more than 10 years. In that time, I’ve been in China the most, and that kind of experience fills your head with a lot of random information. One day, I thought, “Hmm–this might be useful to others!”
China–and the entire way it does business–has changed massively since I first came in 2014, so this site and my YouTube Channel are how I can share what I know with anyone it might help.
I was also a teacher for (*gasp*) 15 years, so I have a curriculum store on Teachers Pay Teachers with an array of resources for secondary English learners. Most resources relate to literature or note-taking, but there are some older ones that also touch on English as a Foreign/Second/Academic Language, for those interested.
A book on travel tips to China for visitors is about 80% done–to be put on the mailing list and know when it’s finally ready, click here.
In the meantime, leave any questions you have about #Chinalife below–I am happy to help! I am no expert on the “big picture” issues, but I can tell you how to use AliPay or how much to pay for a bottle of water. And the more information that gets out into the world about this ancient, complex place, the more that people can make informed decisions while living or visiting here.
As for me, I am originally from the United States and have stumbled by lazy way around the world. Why “stumble” and “lazy”? I tend to stay in one place longer than my expat acquaintances, was diagnosed with ADHD late in life, and have an unusual kind of introversion where I can turn on a talkative self in the right contexts but also stay home most of the time. As a result, I often go to new places only when someone I know has gone first, when I have done an obscene amount of research, or–conversely–when I have a random desire or opportunity and jump on it. The latter happens only 10% of the time, but when it does, it’s chaotic fun! Thus, the unusual description.
Homebodies with a thirst for adventure, unite!
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